Igloo from Plastic Jugs
We built an igloo from plastic jugs for Maker Faire NoVa and we used a method no one had used before (zip ties!)
We built an igloo from plastic jugs for Maker Faire NoVa and we used a method no one had used before (zip ties!)
From shrunken felted sweaters to tiny balls of leftover yarn, get ideas for ways to creatively reuse your sweaters, wool and yarn.
Avoid buying more plastic and make spooky decorations from recycled materials this Halloween!
What can you give to someone who wants to produce less trash? Here are three gifts for friends and family who want to reduce their waste in 2018.
Every day is Valentine’s Day when people help with Trashmagination. Find ways you could support the visions of the people you love.
Counting macro-invertebrates during stream monitoring was a great way to see our local area in a new micro-way.
My mom made an incredible weaving of a birch tree forest near where she was born in Gander, Newfoundland.
Wood carving artist Isaiah Fraser is my brother-in-law and we love creative reuse of wood scraps!
I love that my family was doing creative recycling in all our various corners of the globe – from recycling yarn, to wood to upholstery samples.
I helped my sister cut up two damaged rowing shells into lengths that can be made into bookshelves, lamps or art pieces for rowing enthusiasts.
My husband uses a “memory palace” technique at a Cub Scout Halloween meeting to help the boys learn the new Cub Scout motto.
My husband Bob designed and built this arcade costume for our son.
Our family loves to make creative video projects and built a temporary green screen.
Make your recycled cardboard car craft project more exciting with a bit of gravity and racing.
Surviving a very scary moment while hiking the West Coast Trail, the most difficult physical goal I have ever undertaken.
My kids enjoyed the stations about beat box music, animation and circuits the most.
I was impressed by the stitching by fourth grade students at my children’s school.
I handmade some cute cat toys based on the popular cartoon, Pusheen, for my kids for Christmas.
My son and his best friend design a whole world of creative characters.
I’m teaching my daughter & her friends how to play a basic taiko song for their school talent show.
For my daughter’s birthday, we had a mystery meal activity that the girls loved.
Our family slept in a treehouse for three nights during our vacation to New Brunswick.
A retrospective of high points during my career at National Wildlife Federation
I am SO grateful to the many camp counselors who inspired my kids this summer.
A local disc golf course has baskets that are ingeniously made from recycled metal materials.