What can you give to someone who wants to produce less trash? Here are three gifts for friends and family who want to reduce their waste in 2018. These products also support American companies. Check out my three zero waste gifts that I received for my birthday – great stocking stuffer ideas!

My Favorite Zero Waste Instagram Accounts
- Be Zero
- Going.Zero.Waste
- Green Upward
- Package Free Shop
- Pare Down Home – Canadian
- Tiny Yellow Bungalow – the store where you can buy these three zero waste gifts
- Trash is for Tossers
- Wasteland Rebel
- Zero Waste Chef
- Zero Waste Home – The Instagram feed of Bea Johnson who wrote the book Zero Waste Home, where I first heard the term.
- Zero Waste Nerd
Crafts People I Admire Who Make Zero Waste Gifts
- Anne Riggs Designs – unpaper towels, make-up removal pads, drying pads – located in Portland, Maine
- Teebags – bowl covers, cheese covers – located in Halifax, Nova Scotia