Our First Hooked Rug

Sweaters, Wool and Yarn – Creative Reuse

Sweaters that shrink in the dryer. That tiny ball of yarn at the end of a knitting project. That wool suit you are never going to wear again. Let’s talk about creative reuse of sweaters, wool and yarn!


What to Make with Felted Sweaters

Trashmagination’s Pinterest Board of Creative Reuse Projects with Sweaters

Trashmagination’s Hooked Rugs

Will my sweater felt? Tips from Resweater’s Wool Blend Sweater Challenge

Mittens from Felted Sweaters

Companies Who Deconstruct Sweaters or Other Materials to Make Yarn

How Twice Sheared Sheep Unravels and Spins Sweaters at the Same Time


Using Up Yarn Remnants

Socks my sister knit with my grandmother's yarn leftovers
Socks my sister knit with my grandmother’s yarn leftovers, modeled by my mom


Creative Reuse Artists Who Use Sweaters, Wool or Yarn

Northern Smittens

Moreno de Turco

London Kaye

Interview with London on Crafty Planner podcast

International Back-to-Back Wool Challenge