Maker Faires and Community Events

Trashmagination had a table at KIDfest. In this podcast, I share observations about what worked and what didn’t, and how it can help me focus my Trashmagination energies going forward.

Car Seat Recycling

It’s very challenging to find a place to recycle your child’s safety car seats. But Target is partnering with Terracycle to accept car seats during National Child Safety Passenger Week (only until September 23!).

Take-Apart Events and E-Waste

When was the last time you took apart something that was broken – either to fix it or just to be curious? Get tips on how to run a successful take-apart event – either at home or in your community.

Wedding Dress Repurposing

Your wedding dress can live in your closet for decades “just in case” you find a use for it. But what if your dress could help another bride? Get ideas on where to donate or sell your dress, as well as projects to transforms your dress into a keepsake.

Broken Crayons and Dried-Out Markers

It’s time to buy school supplies in North America. My kids have a pile of crayon nubs and dried-out markers from last year, so I got to work testing ideas for creative reuse!

Scrap Wood Reuse

Wood makes up about 6 percent of the waste stream in the United States – so get inspired to make simple projects from scrap wood.

Trash Fashion

Trash fashion is clothing made from trash or recyclable materials.

Wine Corks – Easy to Reuse

If you are interested in trying out creative reuse, but you are not sure what material to collect, wine corks are a great place to start.

New Uses for Old Trophies

Do you have a box of old trophies that are gathering dust? Find places to send them or crafts to make with them.