Upcycling my Wedding Quilt

In 1997, I sewed a quilt to display at my wedding ceremony but I didn’t love the design, so I have upcycled it into items I love more.

Buttons Creative Reuse

Learn about the incredible ways artists work with buttons and get ideas for creatively reusing your own buttons.

Weighted Blankets

Most weighted blankets get their heft by containing plastic or glass pellets but I made one with recycled denim blue jeans.

Denim Jeans Recycling

What can you make with jeans that are out-of-style, ripped beyond repair or painted, or with the leftovers when you make a quilt from jeans?

My Creative Instagram Inspirations

These Instagram feeds are providing a lot of creative energy to me these days for rug hooking, weaving, quilting, embroidery, drawing and interesting craft business models.

My First Five Quilts

I started quilting in 1989 with no training and my first quilts were very oddly constructed. But I loved making them!