Plastic Mardi Gras Beads

Plastic Mardi Gras beads create tons of litter and contain toxic chemicals such as lead – so get ideas on making your own non-toxic Mardi Gras bead necklaces.

Cigarettes, Lighters and Old Vending Machines

Art and crafts from cigarette butts? Disgusting! Get amazed by what people have made from thousands of cigarette butts, plastic lighters, cigarette packaging, cigar boxes and cigarette vending machines.

Playgrounds from Recycled Materials

Even if you don’t have kids, playgrounds can be a great case study in creative reuse. Come learn about playgrounds made from recycled tires, wood, metal, plastic, cardboard and fabric.

Bread Tags or Clips

Bread tags or clips may seem like a small item, but when you realize that there are millions of them in the world, it adds up to a lot of plastic that is challenging to recycle.

Beach Trash Art

The Sixth International Marine Debris Conference is taking place, people are heading out on spring break, and people are figuring out that plastic straws are terrible – it’s time to make art from beach trash!

Shoes: Recycling and Reusing

Whether your shoes are in great shape or falling apart, get tips on what you can do to reduce your shoe collection.

Recycling Fruit Stickers

Did you know the stickers on fruit are made from plastic? Be sure to remove them before you compost and now get creative ideas for what to do with them.

Recycle Broken Zippers

The next time a zipper breaks, don’t throw away the item and the zipper! You might be able to salvage both.

Recycled Art Contests

To engage people in your community in creative reuse, a recycled art contest is a great way to inspire people from many ages and backgrounds.

Christmas Trees from Recycled Materials

Did you know you can make Christmas trees from scrap wood, cardboard, plastic, metal and fabric? There are so many more choices than chopping down a tree or buying a plastic one.

Maker Faires and Community Events

Trashmagination had a table at KIDfest. In this podcast, I share observations about what worked and what didn’t, and how it can help me focus my Trashmagination energies going forward.