Weighted Blankets

Most weighted blankets get their heft by containing plastic or glass pellets but I made one with recycled denim blue jeans.

Mylar Balloons

Mylar balloons cause many power outages and seabird deaths – but you can make a difference by not buying them and creatively reusing old ones.

Plastic Toys Creative Reuse

Get ideas for ways you can divert plastic toys from landfill – either to more children, to artists or to be made into plastic furniture.

Furniture Upcycling

When you see furniture curbside, do you wish you knew a way to bring it back to life?

Bras Creative Reuse

Whether your bras are gently-used or well-worn, get tips on places you can donate or art you can make.

Sayaka Ganz, Plasticware Artist

Sayaka Ganz makes giant wildlife sculptures from plastic spatulas, hangers, toys and lots of other plastic items, and she’s one of my top 5 favorite creative reuse artists in the world.

Books Creative Reuse

If you have books that no one wants to read anymore – such as out-of-date reference or text books – what can you make with them?

Recycled Art Sculpture Trails

Would you like to attract people to your town to enjoy nature and art? You could organize a recycled art sculpture trail.

Rope Creative Reuse

From shopping bag handles to fishing gear, there is a lot of rope that can be creatively reused!

Igloo from Plastic Jugs

We built an igloo from plastic jugs for Maker Faire NoVa and we used a method no one had used before (zip ties!)

Cosmetics Creative Reuse

Since most cosmetics are sold in plastic packaging and contain toxic chemicals, they can be challenging to creatively reuse, so get ideas for what to do with your expired cosmetics.

Bubble Wrap Creative Reuse

Do you have piles of bubble wrap due to online shopping? Check out what some artists make with bubble wrap!

Skateboard Creative Reuse

You likely have a pile of broken skateboards if you love skateboarding but the good news is that many artists creatively reuse skateboards to make awesome stuff. And if you are into woodworking, get inspired to source material from the skate park.

Fruit and Vegetable Peel Creative Reuse

Composting is a great way to dispose of fruit and vegetable peels, but here are lots of ways you can creatively reuse peels as food, cleaners, crafts and more.