Medicine Ball / Kettle Bell and Yoga Block from Denim Fabric Scraps

Exercise Equipment from Recycled Materials

Let’s have more fun while exercising! I made a medicine ball and yoga equipment from recycled materials, and brought it to my taiko group. We had a lot of fun incorporating these homemade items into our warm-up. So come get ideas to spice up your workouts in the new year!

You can listen to my podcast episode on how I made my own exercise equipment from recycled materials back in December 2019 in this YouTube video:

Medicine Balls / Sand Bags / Kettle Bells

I made a medicine ball by sewing denim scraps into a cube, then stuffing it with old socks very tightly. There are also tutorials online for making a medicine ball by putting sand into a rubber basketball.

My medicine ball / “kettle bell” and yoga block that I sewed from recycled denim jean scraps and stuffed with old socks – the handle is a recycled taekwondo belt

Wrist and Ankle Weights

You can sew your own with this free wrist and ankle weight pattern from The Spruce Crafts.

Dumb Bells

Make dumb bells from recycled CDs with this video by Danny Seo.

Agility Ladder

Recycled paint stir sticks to make your own agility ladder. Here’s a video with fun drills to do with your agility ladder:

Gliding Discs

You don’t need to buy the commercially-made gliding discs – just use paper plates (on carpet) or wash cloths (on wood).

Paper plate workout

Battle Ropes

Upcycle a defunct fireman’s hose or garden hose.

Resistance Bands

Upcycle a t-shirt or spandex leggings to make a resistance band.

Slosh Pipe

Get a great core workout from a slosh pipe – made from a 4-foot PVC pipe.

Wrist Roller

Strengthen your forearms with this homemade wrist roller.

Foam Roller

Make a foam roller from a recycled foam yoga mat.

Make a foam roller from a pool noodle.

Yoga Equipment

Inspirational post about sewing a yoga block from the Facebook Group Upcycled Cloth Collective

So pleased with my finished yoga bolster cover made from recycled upholstery samples!
My finished yoga bolster cover made from recycled upholstery samples!

Sew a yoga mat from fabric scraps

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