Close-up of plastic bag weaving

More Plastic Bag Weaving

The first bodice I wove was not long enough to fit around me. It will be for Nora’s dress.

To make one that was long enough for me, I had to rig up a system on my loom to get the extra length. I used bungee cords and a piece of wood.

Weaving a longer bodice - rigged up system
Weaving a longer bodice – rigged up system

It was amazing how much faster I have become at weaving with this technique. It took me two evenings (perhaps five hours) to make the warp. But it only took me about five hours to do all the weaving. The first bodice was shorter and took me two weeks!

Finished longer bodice
Finished longer bodice

I love how it looks, the irregularities of the stripes and the knots where bags are tied into loops. It was meditative to make as well.

We still need more bags because now the focus will be more circles for the skirts!